הוצאה: Germany
שנת הוצאה: 1999
ז'אנרים: Rock
תתי ז'אנר: Lo-Fi
פורמט: Album | CD1, Navigators Yard, Dakota Suite, 1999, Germany
רשימת שירים:
1. Before The Bitter Wind
2. A History Of Silence
3. Elegy For A Funeral (Entrance)
4. Adam
5. Dhow
6. Inconsequential
7. But A Poor Reflection I
8. When I Think Of Myself Dead
9. I Am Losing You
10. The Chines
11. Cancer And You (1987 - )
12. Wave Of Sorrow
13. This Man
14. Unfolding
15. But A Poor Reflection II
16. One Year
17. Elegy For A Funeral (Departure)
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