
Bauhaus Reviewed (1919-1933)

ז'אנרים: Classical, Non-music
לייבל: LTM
פורמט: CD
79.90 ש"ח

הוצאה: Europe  
שנת הוצאה: 
ז'אנרים:  Non-Music, Classical
תתי ז'אנר:  

פורמט: Compilation | CD, Compilation1, Bauhaus Reviewed (1919-1933), Various, 2007, Europe

רשימת שירים:

1. Josef Matthias Hauer - Phantasie Op. 17 (1919) 4:28
2. Walter Gropius - On The Origins Of The Bauhaus 5:34
3. Stefan Wolpe - Variation (1923) 1:29
4. Walter Gropius - On Form And Totality 3:00
5. George Antheil - Shimmy (1923) 0:59
6. Walter Gropius - On Klee, Itten, Kandinsky, Feininger And Moholy-Nagy 7:27
7. Stefan Wolpe - Stehende Musik (1925) 2:59
8. Josef Albers - On Handling And Texture 1:37
9. Walter Gropius - On Albers And Functionalism 3:31
10. Hans Heinz Stuckenschmidt - Marsch Alexander Des Grossen (1923) 3:56
11. Walter Gropius - On Selection And Students 5:03
12. Arnold Schoenberg - Piano Piece #1, Op. 23 (1920) 2:01
13. Walter Gropius - On Meyer And Mies Van Der Rohe 3:03
14. Josef Albers - On Politics And Meyer 1:55
15. Walter Gropius - On Industrial Contracts 1:50
16. Arnold Schoenberg - Suite For Piano, Op. 25 (1921-23) 14:13
17. Walter Gropius - On Utopianism 2:02
18. Ludwig Mies Van Der Rohe - On Architecture As Language 3:23
19. Walter Gropius - On The Future Of Architecture 3:03

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